Friday, May 29, 2009

Woman in bikini

They greyed out the woman in bikini!!!!! I just had to share this with you.

This picture was taken this afternoon on a local market downtown. You get rapidly used the sight of women wearing burqas but this is just unique.
Many Muslims believe that the Quran requires both men and women to dress and behave modestly in public. However, this requirement has been interpreted in many different ways by Islamic scholars and Muslim communities. In Saudi Ariaba, one of the most strict countries on this issue, wearing burqas is mandatory for women although the burqa is not specifically mentioned in the Quran. It is strictly forbidden for women to show any part of their body whatsoever. The greyed out woman on the box is just the result of such a law.


  1. Wigle! How did your English get so good - it's totally natural, like a native speaker!! Roze

  2. so the roads are for camels? :)

  3. Well, It's nice to have you there. Please take your notes and then, we can start our blitzkrieg and endlossung. As you said, this is a waste land, but you'll see how can waste it can be after our attack!!
